| chest port placement |
On Tuesday 1.23.18, I had my chemotherapy port placement on my left side. The port is placed on the opposite side from surgery . They do this just in case I have to have radiation. I opted out of getting the port placed during my initial mastectomy surgery mainly because I didn’t want another object placed in my body during the holidays. The procedure went really quickly; the most painful part was the IV. I got to the hospital around 1:00 and was home by 4:30. They gave me a light sedation medicine and I was certain I would fall asleep, as I usually do! But this time I didn’t. They tied my hands down so I wouldn’t accidentally hit or touch the area. Then they placed a blanket or shield over my face so I couldn’t see anything. I felt a couple pricks and a little burning but, I was drowsy and don’t remember much. My mom took me to this appointment as Darren had training at work. So, mom was waiting for me in the recovery room and that’s when the pain set in. You can see in t...